Saturday, November 29, 2008


part of me wants to starve myself.

i'm going to shoot for 1000 calories a day. that's still alot, i know. but i like the feeling inside me when i am hungry.

i also like the feeling when i taste good things.

but i enjoy the emptiness.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

so many blogs

I have so many blogs already, I really don't need another one.

But this one is going to be my super honest about everything blog.

I'm 31, married, have a 7 month old son, 7 cats, am in college, and weigh 270.

I'm depressed and anxious a lot. I think I have ADHD, but my doctor seems to be treating me as though I were bipolar.

I've been taking baby amounts of Lithium (300mg), but that was just upped to 600mg, Klonopin, Ativan, and I'm restarting Welbutrin.

I'm a mess, but few people know it.

But it seems like forever since I've really cared about how I look. Maybe it's because my clothes don't fit.

Right now I just want to starve. I want to be able to not eat. I want to feel the emptiness in my belly. I want to feel like I'm cleaning myself out.

I am envious in way of those with anorexia, because they have control. I don't have control. I eat and eat and eat. Obesity kills, too. But when you're fat, the world hates you. When you're thin, the world loves you.

I feel so disgusting and tired and I hate myself. I'm in debt because my husband and I have a gambling problem. It just seems at this point that gambling and winning is the only thing that will save us.

Yep, I'm a mess.