Wednesday, May 27, 2009

i hate the internet

At least, I hate it when it comes to weight loss advice. I've been searching lately just for information regarding weight loss - not because I don't know how to do it, but because I need motivation. And once again I am shocked at all of the dangerous, misleading, unhealthy information that is out there.

  • Don't do more than 30 minutes cardio a day, or else you will burn muscle. What kind of idiot actually believes something like that? The body doesn't use muscle as a fuel source unless you are seriously undernourished, aren't getting enough protein, etc. If you don't use your muscle, you will lose it, but not from doing cardio!
  • You have to exercise on an empty stomach to lose fat. Again, crap written by someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. You lose fat by burning more calories than you take in. If you work out on an empty stomach, you have no fuel to go on! When you work out isn't the issue!
  • Don't eat anything but fruit before lunch. Yeah, we don't need protein or fat at all. Again, who really thinks this is a good idea? It will raise insulin levels and blood sugar, which promotes the depositing of belly fat. You'll be hungry all morning and will not maintain lean muscle mass.
  • Don't have dairy more than three times a week. Low fat dairy products are very good for you! Especially if you are trying to maintain you muscle mass! If you want to be a flabby skinny fat person, then don't have dairy. Besides who needs calcium and strong bones?

Those are just the ones that stood out to me today. They might be helpful, but they aren't HEALTHY! And the people who lose weight like that are much more likely to gain it back.

Of course, not everything I do is healthy, either. So I'll probably be posting about things that aren't really healthy. But I'm not giving advice about those things, and I'm not saying anyone else should do them. I just get sick of people trying to act like they know all this biological scientific information about how to lose weight, when it's a bunch of crap!

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